Romanticism across Borders’ Conference, 24-25 March 2025


Monday 24 March

9h-9h30: Registration / Welcome address

9h30-10h30: Panel 1: Liminal Figures

  • 9h30-10h: Luisa Calè (Birkbeck University): Exodus in Pictures: From Single Image to Serial thinking
  • 10h-10h30: Elisabeth Ansel (Friedrich Schiller University, Jena): Crossing Borders: The Geological and Mythological Imagination of Staffa in British and European Romanticism

10h30-11h00 : coffee break

11h00-13h00 : Panel 2 : Otherness

  • 11h00-11h30: Rebekah Musk (Lancaster University): Porous Boundaries: Space, Shorelines and Sexuality in Byron’s Turkish Tales
  • 11h30-12h00: Carmen Faye Mathes (McGill University): Romantic Derivativeness, Oriental Tales, and Poetic Attachments
  • 12h00-12h30: Fabien Desset (Université de Limoges): “An equal amidst equals”: the Boundary between Human Beings and Animals in Percy Bysshe Shelley’s Poetry and Prose
  • 12h30-13h00: Andrin Albrecht (Friedrich Schiller University, Jena): ‘Full Fathom Five: Breaching the Vertical Border in Romantic Ocean Narratives’

13h00-14h30: lunch break

14h30-16h00: Keynote: Nicholas Halmi (University of Oxford): Porous Borders/Border Controls

16h00-16h30: coffee break

16h30-18h00: Panel 3: Radicalism and its Legacies

  • 16h30-17h00: Patrick Vincent (Université de Neuchâtel): Henry Brougham, French Romantic?
  • 17h00-17h30: Piper Winkler (Princeton University): “Marriage had bastilled me”: The International Contexts of Wollstonecraft’s Prison Metaphors
  • 17h30-18h00: Cal Sutherland (University of Edinburgh): The Girondin of Rydal: Enclosure, Form, and Cross-Border Exchanges in the Later Wordsworth

Conference Dinner at Bouillon Racine, 3 rue Racine, 75006 

(end of the first day of the conference)


Tuesday 25 March  

9h00-10h30: Panel 4: Blakean Borders

  • 9h00-9h30: Michael Demson (Sam Houston State University, Texas): Nationalistic Epics Across International Borders
  • 9h30-10h00: Jake Elliott (University of Roehampton): Metropolitan Borders: Blake, London, and the Development of Regent Street
  • 10h00-10h30: Silvia Riccardi (Umeå University): Material Borders in Blake’s Manuscripts

10h30-11h00: coffee break

11h00-13h00: Panel 5: Textual Boundaries

  • 11h00-11h30: Young-ok An, Adam Bezdicek, Beth Marrinan (University of St. Thomas): Mary Shelley across Borders: Digital Mapping of Shelley’s Novels
  • 11h30-12h00: Lewis Roberts (University of Cambridge): “With wild surmise”’: Borders and cognition in Romantic Manuscripts
  • 12h00-12h30: Jeremy Elprin (Université de Caen): “I have nothing but my dull self”: Joseph Severn’s Significantly Borderline Correspondence
  • 12h30-13h00: Tim Milnes (University of Edinburgh): Trembling Boundaries: The Romantic Essay and the Borders of Knowledge

13h00-14h30: lunch break

14h30-16h00: Panel 6: The Borders of the Novel

  • 14h30-15h00: Angela Esterhammer (University of Toronto): Scottish Travellers, National Characters, and Cross-Border Storytelling
  • 15h00-15h30: James Chandler (University of Chicago): Scott’s “Border Characters”
  • 15h30-16h00: Jack Murphy (University of Texas): Novels without Ends: Belinda and the Subjectivity of Compression


16h: Concluding remarks


(end of the second day of the conference)