What is an “Oriental Gift”, as distinguished from a simple object or commodity produced or consumed in an Eastern context?

The first post on our new blog tackles the question of terminology and definitions, and more broadly the issue of the cultural commensurability of gifting performances across Eurasia :

Oriental Gifts and the Commensurability Question: Starting with the Terminology – Ladan Niayesh

More to follow soon on our blog. Stay tuned! (Marine Bellego, Ladan Niayesh, Stéphanie Prévost)



This research blog (margins, history in the English-speaking world 16th-21st c ) is the digital working space of the research group « Ecrire l’histoire depuis les marges-Université de Paris» in UMR LARCA 8225 http://www.larca.univ-paris-diderot.fr/themes/ehdm/article/ehdm. It is the heir of the hdlm research blog https://hdlm.hypotheses.org/ (which was associated with an ANR IDEX USPC 2013-2016).

The new blog gathers historians, visual studies specialists, and literary scholars in a resolutely interdisciplinary fashion. They study English-speaking countries in relation with other cultural areas and worlds. The three sections « Race, colour, history », « Historical Fiction » and « Oriental Voices » gather 13 Université de Paris researchers