Professor John Paul Ricco (University of Toronto,, visiting Professor at LARCA, (11th-20th October), will deliver a talk on Monday 11th October, 5.00-7.00 pm.
John Paul Ricco is Professor of Contemporary Art, Queer Theory, Aesthetics and Ethics at the University of Toronto, where he is Associate Director of the Centre for Comparative Literature, and organizer of the Giorgio Agamben Research Group. A theorist and writer working at the juncture of contemporary art, queer theory, and philosophy, Professor Ricco is author of The Logic of the Lure, and The Decision Between Us: Art and Ethics in the Time of Scenes. His most recent work includes co-editor of the latest issue of Parallax on the poetics, politics, and erotics of Jean-Luc Nancy’s concept of exscription.
- His talk is titled, “Solitude and Things in the Time that Remains.”
- His respondent will be Anne Sweet, PhD, University Sorbonne Nouvelle-Paris 3.
The venue for the talk:
Room no. 202, Bâtiment Olympe de Gouges, Place Paul Ricoeur, Université de Paris, 75013.
Métro: Line 14 Bibliothèque F. Mitterrand, Tram: 3A Avenue de France
This is an in-person event and we’d advise you to carry your pass sanitaire/health pass if you wish to attend.