Le film de présentation et le lien d’inscription sont accessibles avec le lien suivant: https://www.fun-mooc.fr/en/courses/women-on-the-mov/

Le projet Cost Women on the Move : https://larca.u-paris.fr/projets/reseau-cost-women-on-the-move/

What you will learn

At the end of this course, you will be able to:

better understand women’s migration from a variety of perspectives and disciplines


With 8 classes, the MOOC opens with a section on historiography and methods, which shows the evolution of scholarship on women’s migration and the qualitative and quantitative tools used to research women’s migration. The second class is on women at sea with an overview on women’s work on board ships and harbours in past and present contexts and in wide geographical contexts. Class 3 focuses on women’s migration and education in past and present contexts. The fourth class is on art and women’s migration. It offers an overview on women’s migration in artistic and cultural contexts. Class 5 deals with intersectionality and queer migration, and it unpacks concepts such as intersectionality and gender, and how sexualities affect women’s migration. The sixth class focuses on conflict migration and peacebuilding, reflecting on women’s migration in wartime contexts, situations of conflicts, and their peacebuilding activities. Class 7 focuses on women migrants’ access to citizenship in past and present contexts. The final class offers an overview on women migrants’ access to human rights in past and present contexts.
The MOOC ends with an escape game.


This is a self-paced MOOC composed of 8 sections, which you can explore at your own rythm and in the order that you wish. An escape game allows you to test your knowledge at the end of the 8 classes.


There are no prerequisites for this class. All you need is a computer and a good internet connexion!

Assessment and certification

The course does not issue any certificate, but you can test yourself with quizes, games and a general self-assessment (final escape game).

Course plan

Class 1: historiography and methods.
Class 2: women at sea.
Class 3: women’s migration and education.
Class 4: art and women’s migration.
Class 5: intersectionality and queer migration.
Class 6: conflict migration and peacebuilding.
Class 7: citizenship.
Class 8: human rights.
Escape game.