Emma Bartel

Associate Professor in British History

Research | Bio | Medias | Publications | Articles


Research themes

  • history of knowledge (17th-18th c. Britain)
  • intellectual and cultural history
  • women’s history
  • history of science and religion

Research Supervision:

  • intellectual, social and cultural history of the British Isles (1550-1800)
  • women’s history
  • gender studies
  • religious history
  • literary history

Current Project

  • Monograph project (thesis): The Art of Thinking in the British Isles: 1580-1750 (Manchester University Press)
  • Portable Knowledge in the British Isles and the Early American Colonies (1600-1800). A monograph project on the materiality of modes of attention through paper technologies such as pocket books, commonplace books, how-to manuals, table books, account books, almanacs and shorthand writing
  • Widening the Archival Search: Women and Informal Science in the British Isles (1650-1800)


Education and Academic Positions:

  • 2024 – : Associate Professor, Université Paris Cité
  • 2024: Short-Term Fellow (Huntington Library, Los Angeles)
  • 2023-2024: ATER (British History), Sorbonne Université
  • 2023, Ph.D., Sorbonne Université. Title of thesis: Women’s Engagement with the Art of Protestant Meditation in Seventeenth-Century England
  • 2023: Junior Lecturer at the American University of Paris
    August 2022: Fellowship at la Maison Française d’Oxford (Oxford, UK)




      Selected Publications:

      • 2023: Co-editor of the special issue Genre Trouble in Early Modern Literature, Sillages Critiques [Online, open access], 34 (2023) with Dr Katie Ebner-Landy (Queen Mary University of London) https://doi.org/10.4000/sillagescritiques.14122
      • 2024: [in press]: Book chapter co-written with Dr Louise Fang (Sorbonne Paris Nord), ‘De la lettre à l’esprit: stratégies de contournement ludiques dans les manuscrits de Mary Evelyn’ [‘Playful Authorial Strategies in Mary Evelyn’s manuscripts’], in The Rules of the Game in the Early Modern Period, eds. Line Cottegnies, Clara Manco and Alexis Tadié, Classiques Garnier.
      • 2024: [in press]: Book chapter, ‘Voir Dieu dans le reflet d’une casserole: Lady Mary Rich (1624-1678) et l’art de la méditation occasionnelle’ [‘Seeing God in the Reflection of a Saucepan: Lady Mary Rich (1624-1678) and the Art of Occasional Meditation’], in Corpus Feminae: matérialités des écritures féminines dans l’Europe moderne, ed. Aurélie Griffin, Presses Universitaires Blaise Pascal
      • 2026: Book Chapter ‘Reforming the Continental Meditative Tradition: English and North American Contexts’ in Europe and the World: A Literary History, 1545-1659, ed. Warren Boutcher (Oxford: Oxford University Press)