An international Conference by LARCA

More info :

William Stanley Merwin, better known as William S. Merwin or W. S. Merwin, (September 30, 1927 in New York City, New York – March 15, 2019 in Haiku) was an American poet, one of the leaders of the revival of American poetry after World War II.

He is the author of about fifty works of poetry, translation and prose. His verses, written in an undistorted style, close to spoken language but characterized by a great lyricism, have influenced many American poets. William S. Merwin long divided his life between the United States and Lacam in France, where he owned a home. Several of his works have been translated into French. He lived in Hawaii and looked after a palm grove that has more than 850 species,

William S. Merwin has received numerous awards for his works, including the Pulitzer Prize (in 1971 and 2009), the Tanning Prize (one of the highest awards given by the American Academy of Poets), the Golden Crown of the Struga Festival (2005) and the first Zbigniew-Herbert International Poetry Prize (2013). In 2010, Merwin was named the seventeenth Poet Laureate of the United States.

W. S. Merwin – Wikipedia


W. S. Merwin Across Borders. Université Paris Cité/ ENS Ulm, Paris, France, October 20-21, 2022

                                       Plenary speakers: Ed Folsom, University of Iowa; Naomi Shihab Nye, Texas State University

Thursday 20 October 2022, Université Paris Cité

9.00-9.20:  Arrival and setting up
9.20-9.30:  Conference Opening
9.30-10.45: Plenary Speaker: Naomi Shihab Nye (Texas State University), “The Shining through the Trees; W.S. Merwin, a Lifetime of Poetry and Advocacy.”
10.45-11.00: Pause
11.00-11.30: Featured Guest: Michael Wiegers (Copper Canyon Press), “Against the Coming Extinction: an Interview with WS Merwin’s  Editor”
11.30- 12.30: Panel 1.
                       Peter Feng Dong (Qingdao University), “W. S. Merwin and the Great Outside”
                       Thomas Dutoit (Lille University), “Coming to pass, once and for all, in W. S. Merwin’s Garden Time”
                       Respondent: Cécile Roudeau (Université Paris Cité)

12.30-14.00: Victuals

14.00-15.15: Panel 2.
                      Peter Vernon (University of Tours), “’Neither knowing nor not knowing’ in the Poetry of W. S. Merwin”
                      Sarah Jonckheere (Lille University), “‘Astronomy of Spiders’, Ecology of Insects: Merwin’s Anthropocene Entomology (A Study in Zoo-eco-poetics)”
                      Samia Hodaithy (Princess Noura University), title to come
14.15-15.30:  Pause
15.30-16.45: Panel 3.
                      Michael Alm (Paul Valéry University of Montpellier III), “Finding the Source: Occitan in W.S. Merwin’s Language Ecosystem”  
                      Austin Robert Smith (Stanford University), “Unpunctuated Line(age)s: Follain, Merwin, Stanford”
                      Helmbrecht Breinig (Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nürnberg)/ Susanne Opfermann (Goethe University  Frankfurt am Main), “Translating Merwin: Navigating Nature, Place, and the Apo Koinou”
17.00-18.00: Translation Workshop: “Translating Merwin Translating …”

Friday 21 October 2022. Ecole Normale Supérieure Ulm

9.15-9.30:   Arrival and set-up
9.30-10.45: Panel 4.
                     Françoise Palleau-Papin (Sorbonne Paris Nord University), “Between fiction and prose poetry: disjunctive memory in Merwin’s uncanny short fiction pieces”
                     Aaron Moe (Independent Scholar), “‘To Soul’: Brush Encounters with Hyperobjects in the poetry of Merwin and Whitman”
                     Hélène Aji (ENS Ulm), Title forthcoming
11.00-12.15: Plenary Speaker: Ed Folsom (University of Iowa) “Crossing Interior Borders: W. S. Merwin’s Search for Walt Whitman, Whoever He Was”


W. S. Merwin Across Borders.
       Lacam, France, October 21-22, 2022

​Vendredi 21 octobre soir : arrivée dans le Lot des participant.e.s au colloque à Lacam  (par train)

Samedi 22 octobre 2022 :

matin 10h-12h : visite de la maison (avec tour du jardin, et visite de l’atelier) par petits groupes (10 personnes maximum avec le guide). Guide : Romilly Waite pour la maison ; Valéry Jamin pour le jardin ?
               10h00-10h30 (maison) puis jardin
               10h30-11h00 (maison) puis jardin
               11h00-11h30 (maison) puis jardin
Inscriptions au préalable par mail. Les visites seront ouvertes aux participants au colloque et aux habitants de la région.

déjeuner : 12h-13h30 (salle des fêtes)

Après-midi 13h30- 18h45:

Maison de Merwin (retransmission dans la salle des fêtes) 13h30-15h30 :
                13h30-14h15 : Témoignages 1. Des amis et amateurs de son œuvre témoignent : Luc de Goustine ; Michael Taylor  
                14h15-15h : Témoignages 2. Lire W.S. Merwin en universitaire et poète : Naomi Shihab Nye ; Ed Folsom  maison) (traduction prévue)
                15h-15h30 : Témoignages 3. Editer W. S. Merwin.  Michael Wiegers ; Editions Fanlac

Salle des fêtes 16h-18h45 :
                16h-16h45 : Traduire W.S. Merwin. Luc de Goustine et Michael Taylor, et traducteurs allemands, espagnol, italien..
                17h-17h45 : Que s’est-il passé à Paris ?  Lien avec le travail universitaire qui aura eu lieu lors du colloque : traduction/ponctuation, environnement
                17h45-18h45 : Avec le public. Lecture/interprétation d’un poème

Salle des fêtes 19h-20h : apéro + connexion avec Hawaï (30 minutes), la maison de Merwin à Maui (projection/ courte conversation)

Salle des fêtes : 20h. Dîner.