Will Slauter
Professeur en histoire et civilisation américaines à Sorbonne Université https://hdea.paris-sorbonne.fr/faculty-staff/will-slauter Associate Professor Université Paris Cité 2015 et 2020.
Research | Bio | Medias | Publications | Articles
Research themes
- History of publishing
- History of media
- Copyright and the public domain
Current Project
Co-organization, with Marie-Stéphanie Delamaire (Winterthur Museum), of a project titled “Images, Copyright, and the Public Domain in the Long Nineteenth Century”
Education and Academic Positions
- BA, History, Northwestern University, 2000
- PhD, History, Princeton University, 2007. My dissertation explored the circulation of news between North America and Europe in the late eighteenth century. The abstract, introduction, conclusion, and other unpublished sections can be accessed through Proquest Dissertations. Several of the chapters have been revised and published as separate articles (see the link to the open archive HAL below).
- Postdoctoral Fellow, Society of Fellows in the Humanities, and Lecturer, Department of History, Columbia University, 2007-2009
- Assistant Professor, History of Text Technologies, Florida State University, 2009-2010
- Assistant/Associate Professor, History and American Studies, Université Paris 8 – Saint Denis, 2010-2015
- Associate Professor, School of English Studies, Université Paris Diderot, 2015-present
- Junior Fellow, Institut universitaire de France (IUF), 2015-2020
- Habilitation à diriger des recherches, Université Paris 13, soutenu le 15 novembre 2019. Titre du mémorie de synthèse : « La Circulation de l’information et son contrôle : L’histoire du copyright et des pratiques d’édition en Grande-Bretagne et aux États-Unis »
Administrative Responsibilities
- Elected member, governing board of the School of English Studies (UFR Études anglophones), Université Paris Diderot (2015- )
- Elected member, governing board of LARCA (Laboratoire de recherches sur les cultures anglophones), Université Paris Diderot (2016- )
- Vice-President, Society for the History of Authorship, Reading, and Publishing (SHARP), depuis 2019
- Member of governing board (since 2011) and executive committee (2012-2014), International Society for the History and Theory of Intellectual Property (ISHTIP)